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Saturday, 29 October 2011

Gorrilaz-Rock the house

Rock the house is a animated song by the gorrilaz the music video has a good background as it consists of a good beat and flutes along with the vocals.The music video also has a trumphet in the background at the start of the song.

The music video starts with a shot of a gate therefore setting the scene of the video. The camera then follows  a tricycle through the hallways of the building which leads past a door to a room where Gorillaz are performing. The music video also consists of a perfomance by female gorrillas who cheerlead.

 The lyrics in this song are party lyrics and they use a variety of camera shots to make the video look good.Some of the camera shots used are medium and longshots.The colourful animated colours used and the white background makes the overall graphics excellent.The use of  Del tha Funkee Homosapien on vocals also goes on with the background sounds.

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